- Open the doors without touching the door levers.
- Withdraw cash without touching ATM’s
- Perfect for use in elevators, self-service machines and much more.
- Carry shopping baskets and carts easily.
- Handy in elevators and public toilets.
- Highly durable protection
- Perfect for use anywhere
- Great longevity
- Safe to use
- No odour and stain worries
- Anti-microbial plastic
- Available in two sizes – 200mm (Large) and 154mm (Small)

Product Disclaimer:
The product image(s) shown is a reference for the actual product. While every effort has been made to maintain complete accuracy and up to date product information, it might differ from actual product. It is important to go through details such as product labels, manufacturing details, batch, warnings, and directions before using a packaged product. For additional information, please contact the seller or manufacturer of the product.
Before application customer must read this instruction manual carefully for any doubt, please contact dealer or our company directly. We declines all responsibility from an accident due to improper operation.
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