Shipping Policy
Once the payment is made, order items will be dispatch within 24-48 hours of the payment. Most often, it takes 5-7 working days for the orders to be delivered however it might take more time if the number of the order goes higher.
Also Delivery takes longer in North-East regions than other regions. The order will be delivered at the same address which is mentioned by you at the time of placing the order
Our Logistics team work from Monday to Saturday apart from Sunday & Public holidays. To make sure that your order is in well maintained condition and reaches you in less time, we ship through reputed courier agencies (such as FedEx, BlueDart DTDC, Delhivery, etc). If in case your region falls under non-serviceable area for courier agencies area, we will ship your order with any other possible couriers.
All liquid and aerosol products are shipped only by surface because of the restriction imposed by Bureau Civil Aviation Security (BCAS) and/or the Regulatory Requirements of the State on the courier service providers.